Sunday 19 March 2017

"Waiting for Godot" Explained with Philosophy | Philosophy Tube


  1. This video gives a great first context to the play we are about to study. The fusion of philosophy and literature seems like a fascinating subject. The historical context of the play explains a lot of about the play too. i am looking forward to studying this play.

  2. This video was very interesting in the way there is a link made between Philosophy and English Literature. This video made me reflect upon the fact that literature is not only a subject, but it is a way of life. It unfolds the truth of society and how stories have a psychological context infused with it. 'Waiting for Godot' is a classic example that represents the themes of absurdism and existentialism. This particular play presents a world in which daily actions are without meaning and language fails to effectively communicate. In the video, this play is linked to Albert Camus’ ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’ , where the gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly roll a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. The video connects how the meaninglessness of ‘Waiting for Godot’ can be related to what Camus’ says. Accepting that life is pointless but finding meaning, is the key to existence. I really enjoyed watching this video, and cannot wait to study the play.

  3. This video that not only gave an introduction to the play we are about to get into but also made me think about those '7 responses' to the the meaningless life. Humans and even earth for that matter are so insignificant in the universe. Nonetheless, we yet continue to exist with different mindsets. Exploring so many different ideas in a single play sounds so interesting and makes me look forward to reading the books


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