Wednesday 29 March 2017

Judith Butler: Your Behavior Creates Your Gender


  1. In this video, Judith Butler asserts that gender is fluid, and it is not something we are born with. I relate this to gender stereotypes that are often exerted upon us. These gender stereotypes state that men should act "macho" or manly, as compared to their female counterparts. However, Butler states that it is not necessary for different genders to act a certain way, as it is not mannerisms or characteristics that we are born with. I strongly agree with Butler on this manner, as I feel that a progressive society is one where we have a freedom to have any mannerisms and gait we want without getting bullied or discriminated against.

  2. This video surfaces ideas that present a new perspective to gender discrimination. It defies the original stereotypical identities given to men and women. It doesn't reduce people's identities to their genders, and states that no gender must posses certain characteristics or 'act' in a certain way. These stock characteristics are a creation of society, that restricts people from unveiling their true selves. No such characteristic is natural to any gender, but they are sometimes forced onto people in order to conform with their stereotypical presentation by society.

  3. Judith Butler claims that gender is performative, which leads us to say that nobody is really gender from the start. This defies gender stereotype and gives people the freedom to express their true self without societal criticism. She says that there is no particular way a gender should act, nor should they have particular attributes. It is important to recognise this claim as in an evolving society we should embrace open-mindedness and learn to accepting of the people in it. This video raises a new outlook to defy gender discriminators and I strongly agree to her claims.

  4. This video explores a very important issue. Judith Butler talks about the difference between the performance of gender and gender being performative. I agree with her claims as they rebel against the gender stereotypes that we are all victims of. Performative gender believes that to say that gender is performative is the same as to say nobody was gender to begin with. This claim is interesting and I agree with it as it ignores the societal 'norms' of gender. I think it it important to focus on such views which coincide with being open minded. This is an important notion that needs to be recognised in society.


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