Sunday 5 March 2017

Great Books: 1984 (GEORGE ORWELL)

1 comment:

  1. Shaanzya Dongre7 March 2017 at 00:05

    Reading George Orwell’s 1984 was a new experience for me. From the concept of the ‘thought police’ to the expressively displayed psychological and physical restraints to the absurd ending - I learnt a lot. What became clear to me by the end of this novel was that I had the concept of Totalitarianism all wrong. I used to believe that they shaped human beliefs but now understood the true purpose of these governments were to abolish the idea that they were humans at all.
    All I knew before this was that Orwell's knowledge on Totalitarianism was based on the Soviet union in Nazi Germany but it was great to truly understand his thought process behind this novel. It made clear the reasoning behind his strong feelings on the topic and allowed me to analyse the text on a deeper level


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