Wednesday 29 March 2017



  1. This wilfully complex film, which some find baffling and infuriating, is a Freudian-Marxist take on the myth. Gender discrimination was a key issue I noticed and through Medea’s situation and the arguments that she presents, the viewer becomes conscious of some of the key social norms that contributed to gender discrimination in Greece during Euripides’s time.(431 BC). In a society that was insensitive to women’s feelings, her words come across as a break-through to the beginning of her feminist perspective to the gender issues that plagued the Greek society. I watched the entire movie and found it very interesting to see that the stage directions, music and different lighting can create such a huge impact on the audience.

  2. The film on Medea helped me understand the emotions felt by the characters. The way in which all the actors in the play modulated their tone of voice, brought to life the intensity of their characters. While watching the film I realized how carefully Euripides crafted his script. Due to this we are given numerous opportunities to sympathize with Medea. It is a very crucial aspect in this play because of the choices Medea eventually makes.

  3. The complexity of the acting and the simplicity of the set merge beautifully together in this movie to provide us with a truly raw and authentic look at Euripides's Medea. The gusto and emotion with which we see Medea delivering her lines truly allows us to empathise with the character which in turn deepens our understanding of the play. I was slightly upset that it wasn't the same edition as the one we are studying however due to this I can now clearly understand the characters and their emotions independent of merely the lines.

  4. The film on Medea has helped me mould an understanding towards the characters and the emotions they intend on displaying. Through this film, I realised that tone and voice modulation play an integral role in displaying the inner voice of a character. The lines of every character is delivered with such power and simplicity that it becomes so interesting to study and watch the play at the same time. Even though our text and the lines in the movie are not exactly the same, I definitely understood what every character wanted to portray.


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