Sunday 5 March 2017

Euripides' Medea - Plot Summary


  1. I really enjoyed watching this video because it gives us an online of Euripides' Medea in a simplistic and organised manner. It has helped me understand the plot and the characters better as I am now able to further analyse why Euripides involves the feelings of jealousy and vulnerability. I really appreciate how writing in 431 BC can still be so relevant to modern times. In the modern world, emotions of isolation and detachment in society still exist for women. This further leads to 'adapting and adjusting' to new surroundings. Thank you for sharing this video, it was very helpful.

  2. I learnt that Medea; like any other cheated wife is centered on a wife's calculated desire for revenge against her unfaithful husband. The play is set in Corinth some time after Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece, where he met Medea. The play begins with Medea raging at Jason for arranging to marry Glauce, the daughter of Creon (king of Corinth). Apart from the plot and summary, this video also helped me understand the context of Medea. And made me question why Euripides chose to write about a play that not only deals with feminism but also breaks social norms. These issues are even relevant today in many patriarchal societies. Thank you for sharing this video Sir!


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