Sunday 11 December 2011

Exam Preparation

  • Scroll down and find the Brian Keenan extract - the youtube film is an optional extra but the text is key to our classes on Monday and Tuesday.
  • Read the sample commentary I have emailed you and note the frequent use of quotation from the original text to support my claims in my commentary.
  • TSLTT works well for both prose and poetry.
  • HL students should read "NO SECOND TROY'
  • SL students should read "TO WOMEN AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED"
  • Both poems are posted below and scroll down further as I have a general note of exam tips posted a few days ago.
  • Email me if you have any concerns and I will include your queries in my lesson.
  • Students should spend about 30 minutes preparing each of the texts before the lessons but there is no need to write more than a few bullet points in your notebook to help focus your response.
  • There will be teacher input from me on key areas but you will also work in groups and you need to read the texts to be competent in your team work.

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