Sunday 25 December 2011

Essay 2 - does TSLTT have a role to play in all titles?

  1. Hi everyone! TSLTT is most useful in Paper 1, the unseen text. However, I do not insist on TSLTT as the only approach to a literary essay even in Paper 1. As you become more experienced you will develop your own style.
  2. In the essay on the Literary Movements, Romanticism etc students are encouraged to look at these movements as ways of thinking about the world. You are not asked to analyse any one text in detail your reference to Wordsworth or any other Romantic writer would illustrate your argument about the distinguishing features of that movement. (eg The Romantic writers placed great emphasis on the importance of feelings and the senses, Wordsworth demonstrates this in his poem "The Daffodils" and 'then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils." So in that essay, TSLTT is of limited use as the title seeks a general description of the main features of the different movements. It is in some ways a history of literary movements from the Romantic to the present and the implications of their way of looking at the world for their writing. 
  3. In the essay on Beckett, TSLTT could help you to structure your answer. What is the significance of 'waiting' in the title and also in real life, waiting for a letter, waiting for a business merger, waiting for someone to propose marriage, waiting for someone to make up their mind....... In this play, the theatre audience or the reader, construct the meaning of the play from their own life experience. So "Godot" for you will be different not only from everyone else but also if you re-read or better still see it at different stages of your life. While this is true of all art, it is particularly true of Beckett.  I am re-posting the interviews with Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart, if you are one of the few students attempting the Beckett essay please do watch this short video - posted above this post.
  4. In the final choice, I would expect that TSLTT would help students to comment on the two novels they have chosen and both compare and contrast both novels. You might write about the language in both novels in the same paragraph or separate paragraph. 
  5. The template of TSLTT is useful for Beckett and the novels but less appropriate for the essay on the literary movements.
This post is in response to an intelligent questions from a student seeking guidance on the literary movement question and the role of TSLTT, so I thought it fair to share my ideas with you.                  Best wishes to you all.    

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