Tuesday 29 November 2011

IOPs to stop on Wednesday evening and resume in January

  1. Dear students, an old football injury means I must go into hospital for a minor operation. I will be in school tomorrow and orals will take place on Wednesday as planned.
  2. From Thursday until your exams you can use English classes to work as follows: 
  3. Work on your essays and upload to turnitin.com website
  4. If there is a problem with turnitin then you may email me the essay.
  5. Revise your skills for TSLTT for Paper 1 for your exam
  6. Read "Waiting for Godot" and watch the film on my blog on your second reading
  7. Read "A Doll's House" - holiday work
  8. Read "The Stranger" - holiday work
  9. We will meet on a special Saturday in January to complete the IOPs.
  10. I hope to be back in school in about two weeks but will update you on the blog.
  11. I will be back online by Sunday December 4th.
  12. NO visits please, I rather that you all focus on your revision at this busy time, my situation is not serious but it can't be delayed. Sorry for this unexpected disruption to our programme.


  1. Get well soon, Mr.C! Take care :) :)

  2. Take Care Mr. C :)

  3. thanks for these messages - appreciate it - I am over the worst but have to rest for another week - see you Monday December 12th Mr C


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