Tuesday 15 November 2011


Nov -Dec Writing-Assessment HL and SL

2 written essays and one short blog post on the online book club as a comment.
Blog online book review 100-150 words, this is separate to the essays.
Write a short review of any book that you have read in the last 12 months outside the course - do not use the same books as your IOP or the essays below.

SL AND HL STUDENTS WILL HAVE 2 ESSAYS TO be posted on www.turnitin.com  
Details re turnitin will be explained in class. You may start work on Bukowski on a word document which can be uploaded next weekend. Turnitin page is now open so please ask me in class for demonstration and class codes.

Essay 1: Due Monday November 28th - all students must write on Bukowski.
Discuss the themes and imagery of Bukowski’s “Genius of the Crowd”.
Use TSLTT but explore your reactions to the poem as your primary focus. Be frank about your own feelings in response to the poem but always refer to the text to support your ideas. Quotes in each paragraph to support your topic sentence are essential.
1000-1200 words - Note if your IOP is next week you may submit your essay on Sunday 4th, if your IOP is in the second week, then submit it by Monday November 28th. Congrats to Kush who has already submitted his first essay.

For your second essay, do ONE of the following:

Essay 2 Due Sunday December 11th
Essay A - Literary Movements and Critical Theory.
Explain in your own words the key ideas in the following literary movements:
Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, Postmodernism.
You must illustrate your answer with reference to at least one writer from each movement. You may use any texts both on and off the course except IOP texts.
 Essay B - "Waiting for Godot" is a play about the human condition. To what extent do the opening words, 'nothing to be done' suggest the frailty of human beings when confronted with an indifferent and sometimes cruel universe? Refer to the play in support of your ideas and quote vigorously to illustrate your response to the text.

 Essay C
Compare and contrast two novels you have read outside the course.  
Discuss the titles, structure, language, themes and tone of the works. How are the characters portrayed? Is there a narrator? If appropriate you should apply some of the ideas in Mr Hoye's Critical Theory website as discussed in class. eg Dominant reading, alternative readings etc Quotations to illustrate your ideas will increase your mark when integrated logically with the paragraph structure of your essay.

You may use these websites and others in your research.

Dr White's website:


 Mr Hoye's website:

Please acknowledge your online sources in any work done as you would with any other text.
Marking rubric will be the Paper 1Grid,


  1. Dear Sir,
    The website, 'turnitin.com' requires many details to sign up as a student, such as class ID and other numbers and codes.

    - Kush

  2. Thanks Kush, you are right and I will explain the turnitin procedure in class and open the website with my computer and projector so that there is no confusion.
    Secondly, students can start immediately on Bukowski and save it as a word document on your won computer and upload it next weekend.

  3. Thank you sir

    Sir can u please tell u the portion for the exam in december

  4. Dear Mr. C,
    Approximately how many words are required for the 2nd essay due on 28th Dec.


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