Tuesday 27 September 2016

Grade X1 Eng short blog posts on Chapter 2 - 30-50 words due here by Thursday on any aspect of Chapter 2


     Chapter 2 Critical Worlds: A Selective Tour         
Brendan Gill, from Here at “The New Yorker” 
New Criticism 
Reader-Response Criticism 
Deconstructive Criticism 
Historical Approaches    
Psychological Criticism    
Feminist Criticism 
Other Approaches      


  1. This chapter introduces the reader to various theories that can be used to criticize works of literature. A passage from Brendan Gill's 'Here at "The New Yorker"' is interpreted using different approaches. This shows the reader the contrast between different theories, and how the same passage can be read and interpreted in many different and unexpected ways.

  2. It was very beneficial to read this chapter because it clearly explains the different critical theories and how we can analyze a text using them. I really liked the way the author used the same example passage for each theory since it showed me that there are countless ways of interpreting a text.

  3. Thank you Atharv and Atishi - let's see more comments please :)

  4. I found it very interesting to see how the same article could be viewed from so many different perspectives. This chapter was extremely helpful as it gave me a deeper understanding of the numerous ways of analysing and responding to a text.

  5. Before I read this chapter, I had no idea that you could critically analyse a piece of literature in so many ways. The chapter gives us a wider perspective on the different ways we can comment on literature.

  6. After reading the chapter I learned how one can become a successful critic by ‘reading carefully, marking up the text, asking questions and brainstorming’. The multiple perspectives generated by one passage is an evidence to prove how the reader can bring the written text to life.

  7. I really enjoyed reading this chapter as it made me aware of the different point of views readers have. The chapter also made me think of the same text from different perspectives such as the "Feminist Approach". I was astonished when i realized that any piece of text can be interpreted in several ways and that no one view can be wrong or right.

  8. When we begin to read something we don't realise how complex it is at first and the different angles and perspectives from which it can be viewed. I really enjoyed Chapter 2 of Texts and Contexts because it opened my eyes to the different methods of analysing and critically responding to a text. What particularly struck me about the chapter was how well it was written and by using the same example for each critical theory Lynn really helps the reader develop a deep understanding of how various texts can be interpreted in different and diverse ways.

  9. Chapter 2 of Texts and Contexts gives me an insight on how to analyse texts in different perspectives. It elaborates on how to look at texts in different ways and understand the different ways a text can be perceived as. It was very helpful to understand this feature better when the author used the same example and analysed it in various ways. The chapter stimulates critical thinking and reasoning.

  10. The second chapter of Text and Contexts portrays the numerable ways in which a piece of work can be interpreted based on the readers perspective, outlook or angle. This chapter helped me appreciate the fact that that no one style of interpretation is right. This is because a specific piece of literary work could have different effects on readers, thus encouraging the creation of a plethora of theories and interpretations.

  11. This chapter shows how a simple piece of literature can be seen and interpreted in so many ways. Literary criticism gives the reader a power to make an art his own. His interpretations backed by his reasoning could give a single poem, multiple perspectives. As we had seen seen the Little Red Riding Hood's being seen from such different angles. It gives the reader a simple but diverse meaning of a literary piece.

  12. Chapter 2 of Texts and Contexts has helped me to look at pieces of literature and writing in a particularly unique way. I really enjoyed reading this chapter because it was so interesting to know how a piece of writing can be interpreted in so many different ways. What really got me thinking was how every individual has a different perspective and outlook towards pieces of literature. Texts and Contexts has helped me become more open minded in being able to accept and understand different interpretations of a text. I am looking forward to use these analytical techniques in my writing as well.

  13. The second chapter of Texts and Contexts has enriched my understanding of of how a single piece of literature can be viewed from various angles. It made me open minded by broadening my perspective to different opinions and interpretations of the text.

  14. Reading the second chapter of Texts and Contexts really encouraged me to develop my interpretation skills and widened my horizons on the way I might look at and analyze a text. A text that may seem straightforward on the surface, but upon further examination can open up numerous dimensions and perspectives. The chapter, which is only a part of the entire book, gave me a sense of just how rich and varied the critical universe is. It made me understand the ambiguity of language, and the depth of texts.

  15. The second chapter of Texts and Contexts not just interested me, but forced me to see how a piece of literature can be viewed in multiple ways. By the end of it, I learned of different types of criticism that was used to analyse a passage from 'Here' at "The New Yorker" by Brendan Gill, and found myself using these tactics while reading anything thereafter. It encouraged me to stop looking at any piece of writing just simply at face value.

  16. Chapter 2 of Texts and Contexts really exemplifies the saying that English Literature has no right or wrong. It expressed how a work of writing allows readers to have completely different and contrasting interpretations towards it, in turn helping me to be more accepting of new perspectives.

  17. Shreya Agarwalla4 October 2016 at 04:36

    The second chapter of texts and contexts I began to realise how one can have different perspectives on the same topic. I really enjoyed this chapter as it enabled me to think in a more critical and holistic way.


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