Saturday 2 April 2016

What is Literary Criticism? GRADE X1 COMMENTS-



  1. The video reemphasizes the need to look at literature from not just one perspective but try and critique it, keeping in mind, different views. Given that literature often reflects life and the human condition, it is crucial to keep in mind various literary theories while reading any text.

  2. As the world plunges itself into the 21st century, it brings with it an abundance of modern perspectives. The two videos aim to emphasise a modern way of thinking and urge readers to dive into the pool of literature with fresh perspectives, instead of standing on the edge, looking at it through another's point of view.
    The way the man uses his mannequin as an analogy for looking at one thing from different perspectives is highly impressive. Furthermore, he manages to draw various parallels to illustrate his point about having the ability to read anything from a novel, to a basketball match. I particularly enjoyed learning about the locus of meaning and I personally feel more encouraged to look deeper into everything that I read.

  3. Literary Criticism

    Medea is the victim. Medea is the jealous ex-wife. Medea is the foreigner. Medea is the sorceress. Medea is the murderer.

    Each of these interpretations is valid. Each of them choose to focus on and highlight a particular aspect of Medea’s character. To an extent, she is all of these things. It is up to the individual readers to construct their own idea of Medea. What literary criticism advocates is that no two responses will be the same, because we are all influenced by our personal bias. This in turn shapes not only the way we perceive literature but also the world. Through feminist theory, Medea is a victim of patriarchal society, thrust into the role of a villain. According to Marxist theory, she is victim of King Creon’s monarchy as Jason chooses the wealth and power that Princess Glauce offers over her.

    As the video points out, new criticism states that the text is a web of little things working together to create the whole feeling. Each person has the ability to craft his or her own unique web. It is by sharing our perspectives and pieces that we are truly able to appreciate the entirety of the work.

  4. Does meaning lie in the hands of the creator or the interpreter?

    Literary Criticism is essentially the ability to comprehend the significance of words from different perspectives and theories. One may read a novel and enjoy its story while another may read it with a Freudian or Marxist interpretation in mind, seizing an entirely different viewpoint. However, literary criticism teaches us that regardless of the theories that we apply while reading, our arguments will remain valid if we can coherently synthesize our thoughts. We all have different perceptions due to our circumstance, and the main motive is to utilize these perceptions in order to capture the essence of literature. New Criticism indicates the importance of destroying the connection to the author’s background and intended meaning and solely focusing on the text, supporting Roland Barthes’ ‘Death of the Author.’ For example, one might read Albert Camus’ ‘The Rebel’ as a long historical essay on various interpretations of rebellions in history, while others may see it as a personal interpretation of the world through the eyes of an anti-communist existentialist. However, once again, as long as both groups of people have valid evidence to substantiate their perspectives, they cannot be deemed as incorrect. Essentially, when reading literature one must not read it in search of an answer, but rather as a journey of self-discovery to comprehend why they perceive meanings in the way that they do.

    And finally to answer the first question, the creator and the interpreter are one. Ultimately, it is the interpreter that creates his own perspective, and thus meaning lies in both.

  5. The video highlights the idea that it is important to look at literature from different perspectives. Approaching texts in various ways can reveal different aspects of it. This suggests that two people will usually never appreciate a text in the same way because their past experiences and personal biases will play a major role. The video reiterates this idea by showing a mannequin from various angles, suggesting that the same piece of art can be approached in a number of ways.
    Literary criticism focuses on paying close attention to details by either pointing out the flaws or meaningful details. The video also highlights the idea that every interpretation is valid as long as the argument presented is useful to the text.

  6. The video explicates the importance of perspective, when it comes to understanding and appreciating literature. When reading a novel, or any other piece of writing for that matter, it is crucial to remember that the content and the context work together, in order to convey the true meaning. I found the analogies drawn to the art museum and the concept of travelling very interesting, as I could personally relate to them. The video also elucidates the idea that all points made can be valid, as long as there is enough evidence to support the argument at hand. The concept of ‘New Criticism’ moves the focus away from the author, and believes that the text should stand alone. It is important to remember that all the little aspects of the text work together though, especially content and form, in order to create meaning.

  7. Literary Criticism is the reasoned deliberation and critique of a text. It is the interpretation of a piece of literature, based on different perspectives and various literary theories. For instance, one may read Franz Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’ through the lens of Marxist theory, where Gregor is a worker in a capitalist society. Or, one may choose to read it through a psychoanalytical perspective, where one can analyse Gregor’s transformation into a monstrous vermin as a reflection of his inner self. In this manner, there is no unique interpretation of a text. Different people will have varied responses to a work of literature, as their interpretations are shaped both by their personal perspectives and biases.

    New Criticism is one of the schools of Literary Theory. As its name indicates, it is a new form of literary criticism, which has a textual focus and strongly advocates close reading of a text. Unlike the older schools of Literary Theory, it neither considers the author nor the historical time period of the text, when analysing the meaning of the text. Instead, it attempts to derive the meaning of the text by solely focusing on the text itself.

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  9. Literary Criticism is a tool that unpacks the various versions of a single piece of literature. It is essentially the different lenses that a reader may choose to look through and focus on aspects that they deem important. These different interpretations are influenced by ones personal biases and experiences and thus will vary from reader to reader. However, all of these interpretations are valid. The video elucidates the importance of reading “painstakingly” in order to encapsulate the ethos of the text. Through the example of the mannequin, the speaker portrays how the different perspectives of the mannequin produce a conflicting effect even though they are of the same text.

    As the name suggests, New criticism is a modern form of literary criticism, where the reader does not consider the author or the context of the text whilst analyzing it. The content of the novel is built like a web, wherein each word has an intended purpose or meaning that contributes to the overall novel. The depth of the text is derived from the complexity and the coherence of the novel.

  10. Literary Criticism refers to the analysis of different works of literature. It can focus on a particular part of the author's work or the entire work. This video talks about how one can look at things from various perspectives. A better way to understand this is from the example of the mannequin in the video. The manner in which the narrator focuses on the same mannequin from different angles portrays how one should look at literature from different perspectives. For example, The Reluctant Fundamentalist can be talked about as a novel in which Changez has lost his identity. He tries to fit into the American culture, but clearly fails to do so. The other perspective can be that he has understood himself and discovered his identity . This is why he turns anti-American and starts to instill his ill-feelings against America into his students in Lahore.
    New Criticism is a modern form of literary criticism. It focuses on close reading of a particular work. It also helps understand how a piece of literature is self-contained.


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