Friday 25 October 2013

At Diwalli - Remembering my IB English CLASS 2011-2013 - I taught all 66 students English HL and SL - I also taught 19 of them in TOK class - a total of 85 IB Assessments.

A small section of this year's IB graduates - they personified the warmth, intelligence and drive of young Indians at BD Somani International School Cuffe Parade Mumbai. We prove that students can enjoy learning and achieve great results.

Here is link to last year's prom

It was an hounour and pleasure to teach all 66 students, the entire year group in English and a further 19 in TOK. They combined charm and wit with industry and performance. This group contributed greatly to the life of the school. As Student Council Mentor I helped them set up our first Student Council. As Theory of Knowledge Coordinator, I found 8 excellent student speakers for our Theory of Knowledge Forum on "Being Indian and Internationally-Minded in an IB School". They proved that we are all life-long learners as I learned so much from them. This post carries with it respect, affection and remembrance of many happy days and many blessings for their future.
 Fortunately, this new academic year has provided me with 2 fantastic groups in Grade X1 IB HL and a group inherited in Grade X11 HL. Teaching is fun when you enjoy it as much as I do!

I dedicate this rendition of Tagore's "Unending Love" to all our students, teachers and families and friends at home and abroad during the Festival of Lights - Divalli.

What about the IB Results in English and ToK in 2013?
Some statistics:
  • In my Higher Level Group 1 English Literature A there were 38 students.
  • 15 students scored a Grade 7 or 6. 
  • The IB global average in English is 2% for Grade 7 and 14% for Grade 6.
  • The IB average is therefore 16% 
  • 40% of my BD HL students scored a 6 or 7 in May 2013. Well done students!

  • Out of total of 66 students in my English Higher and Standard classes - exactly 22 out of 66 achieved a 6 or 7. That is exactly 33% of  my entire group. That is well above the global average.
  • Theory of Knowledge  - the IB average for combined Grade A and B is about 40%
  • BD SOMANI TOK STUDENTS - exactly 50% of our students scored GRADE A or B - 33 students from a total of 66 in the whole group.
  • BD SOMANI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL - What is the bottom line?
  • As a result of our outstanding academic reputation, BD SOMANI students are gaining admission to some of the best universities in the world, including (in the UK) Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Imperial College, UCL and Warwick and (in the US) Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Brown, Duke, U-Penn, Cornell, Wellesley, Northwestern, Michigan and NYU.
  •  Visit our school website here:

  • Posted by
  • Mr Callahan


  1. Hi Mr C,
    Hope you're doing well :) Congratulations on all the results from last year! I can speak for the entire class when I say that we all miss BD and you. Thank you so much for the email that you sent out to us. It was such a nice gesture. I hope that you have a great time during these holidays and that the current IB batch does not giving you much trouble (insert crab image)
    Thank you once again and I hope to see you in December,
    Anmol B.

  2. Thanks Anmol, best wishes to you and all the gang, it will be great to see you in December. - Mr C :)


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