Monday 4 June 2012

Waiting for Godot Supervised Writing -300-350 words

Beckett’s  Waiting for Godot (1953) Supervised Writing
Choose one of the following only:

1 How important is the opening phrase ‘Nothing to be done’ in exploring your response to the play.
2 Compare and contrast the four main characters as examples of the human condition.
3 What role does language play in this drama? Does language assist meaning and understanding or does it sometimes obscure meaning as the characters to form relationships with one another?
4 To what extent does a knowledge of the cultural context of post-war Europe help us in exploring meaning in the play (You may refer to some of these topics: Theatre of the Absurd, a feeling of hopelessness in a ‘godless’ universe, the intellectual climate of existentialism, the blending of tragic and comic elements, a sense of disorder in society, fragmentation, alienation from ourselves and each other. Our attempt to find meaning by relying on ‘someone’ outside of ourselves to ‘fix’ our problems.)

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