Monday 28 May 2012


Please post your titles in comments - here - CHOOSE ONE TEXT ONLY
If after exhaustive personal reflection, critical thinking, independent learning you still need some guidance, you may email me your suggested title before you post here -


  1. Mr.C,
    My topic is something along the lines of: how is Meursault the perfect example of a product of existentialism?

  2. BOOK: A Doll's House

    TITLE: How has Ibsen shown the metamorphosis of the identity of a woman (Nora), using the 3 acts of the play as the 3 stages of life?

  3. BOOK: The Outsider

    TITLE: Through the course of the story, how does Mersault's perception of death change from indifference to fear and finally to acceptance?

  4. Text: Waiting for Godot

    Title: Discuss the theme of repetition in Waiting for Godot

  5. Gender or power? What is more influential in the distribution of power in society with reference to "A Doll's House"?

  6. Book: waiting for godot
    Not a fixed title but something related to-

    What is the role of structure in the play and
    Whether it would have the same/similar impact if the second act is read/performed before the first

    Not sure if it makes much sense though..

  7. TEXT: Doll's House

    TITLE: The portrayal of human hardships in Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House

  8. BOOK: A Doll's House

    TOPIC: The role of money in the portrayal of power in Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll's House'.

  9. Text: Waiting for Godot
    Title: Freedom in the play: what does it mean to be free and are any of the characters truly free? also, i'd like ti bring in existentialism in somewhere, but i'm not sure yet

  10. Text: The Outsider by Albert Camus

    How do the reactions of society draw parallels with those of the magistrate in Act 2 of the novel?

  11. Book: A doll's house

    Topic: the importance and significance of Mrs. Linde's character on the plot and development of the play

  12. Book: A Doll's House

    Topic: Ibsen's portrayal of the men who dominate the lives of the women.

  13. Book:The Outsider

    Title: How does the sun affect Merusalt's frame of mind?

  14. The outsider: is meursault really a threat to society? Does he deserve the death penalty? Is he more/less dangerous than a criminal with a clear motive? I still have to word it properly :)

  15. Book- The outsider
    Topic- How does Meursaut's character develop over the novel 'The outsider'?

  16. Book: A doll's house

    Topic:exploring the relationship between nora and the characters of the play

  17. A Doll's House
    These are some of the topics for world lit essay that i have thought of till now:

    1] how does the title " A Doll's House" explain the society's beliefs and behaviour?
    2] how does Ibsen convey the message of increasing human rights- women rights and roles in the society?
    3] to what extent did money and reputation played a significant role for men's superiority in the late 19th century?
    4] to what extent does Ibsen hint the treating of Nora compared to a puppet?
    5] how can we compare the relationship of Torvald and Nora to a married couple in the present day?
    not sure which one i'll do....

  18. Topic: "How is Mersault's manner of looking at Marie and Raymond different from the manner in which the readers would have percieved the behavior and role of these two characters in the Outsider?"

    -Akshaye Wadhwa

  19. Book: The Outsider- Albert Camus

    Question:How does Camus portray Meursault’s struggle, both internal and external, through the symbolic use of the Sun and the Cigarette?

  20. I haven't finalized it but my topic is going to be something along the lines of:

    1) What is the significant of the rope and noose that lucky is bound by, with relation to freedom.

  21. Book: A Doll's House

    Question: Is it the emptiness, the void in the lives of the women In 'A Doll's House' that render them powerless in society ?

  22. Book: A Doll's House
    i haven't finalized my topic but it would be based on either the theme of marriage, comparing the ideas of marriage
    on the theme of love. examining the various breeds of love seen throughout the play

  23. I am still deciding between two topics. I will confirm by tomorrow.

    BOOK: The Outsider
    TOPIC: Was Meursault's absurdist point of view responsible for his alienation from society?

    BOOK: Waiting for Godot
    TOPIC: Who is Godot and how does the commitment of waiting for this unknown entity reflect elements of absurdism?

  24. book-waiting for godot
    title-how does the dialogue and actions of the two tramps(estragon and valdamir) represent an absurd and extetential construct of human behavior

  25. Book:waiting for godot
    Title:how does the dialogue and actions of the two tramps(estragon and valdamir) represent an absurd and extetential construct of human behavior and society.

  26. Mallika Sahney3 June 2012 at 22:42

    Book:Waiting for Godot
    Title:how does the dialogue and actions of the two tramps(estragon and valdamir) represent an absurd and extetential construct of human behavior and society

  27. Title:how does the dialogue and actions of the two tramps(estragon and valdamir) represent an absurd and extetential construct of human behavior and society

  28. I have not finalized my topic but it will be one of these:

    1. How nihilism engulfs the lives of the protagonists in Waiting for Godot and Dolls House

    2. How a "reversal of roles" plays an integral part in metamorphosing of the lives of the individual characters in Waiting For Godot and Dolls House

  29. Book : A Dolls House
    1) The triumph of the human spirit in A Dolls House
    2) How does the social construct of the 19th century shape the play

  30. Book :the outsider

    topic : 'nothing to be done' the significance of this phrase in Meursaults perception of life

  31. Text: A Doll's House

    Topic: How does the unconventional plot of Ibsen's "A Doll's House" challenge the role of the 19th century woman?

  32. Book : A Doll's House

    What key events in the book show a change in Nora's behaviour and how does this "change" influence the storyline?
    Discuss the themes of 'the sacrifical position of women in society'and the 'individual pursuit of freedom', in A Doll's House.

  33. Text: A Doll's House

    Topic: How do social constructs influence the characters and the plot of "A Doll's House"?

  34. BOOK: Waiting For Godot
    The relation of Estragon & Vladimir and Lucky Pozzo and how the two sets of characters are related to each other.

  35. BOOK: Waiting For Godot
    The relation of Estragon & Vladimir and Lucky Pozzo and how the two sets of characters are related to each other.

  36. Book- A Doll's House

    Topic- Compare and contrast the sacrifices made by Mrs.Linde and Nora?

  37. Compare and contrast the sacrifices made by Mrs. Linde and Nora.

  38. Text: Waiting for Godot

    I am not too sure about my topic yet, but something along these lines.

    Topic: The title of the play and the play itself can have various interpretations. Discuss.

  39. Text: Waiting for Godot

    I am not too sure about my topic yet, but something related to this-

    Topic: The title of this play and the play itself can have various interpretations. Discuss.

  40. book: A doll's house

    Topic: Compare and contrast Torvald at the start and at the end.

  41. Raghav Agarwal6 June 2012 at 06:49

    Raghav Agarwal
    book: waiting for godot

    topic: how do the characters lucky and pozzo, and the relationship between them supplement the existentialist nature of the work.

  42. book: Waiting for Godot

    Topic: something along the lines of...
    "The significance of the uncertainty and forgetfulness in the context of the play"

    yet, i am not too sure about it

  43. book: A doll's house
    Topic: how does Money and social superiority influence the characters in the book

  44. book: A doll's house
    Topic: how does Money and social superiority influence the characters in the book

  45. To discuss Nora's transition from Dancing Doll in Act 1 to Strong, Independant Woman in Act 2.

  46. the tragic and comic elements in waiting for godot


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