Thursday 3 May 2012


1 comment:

  1. i found it odd that this person cites the buddha as an existentialist.
    Gautam buddha might not have been extremely religious but he was certainly spiritual. and by telling people to follow an eightfold path he was demonstrating a staunch faith in some order in the universe if not a divine being.
    he also seemed to have a clear idea of the meaning of life and a firm belief that your 'dharma' or actions either relieve you from the cycle of rebirth or make you keep going(obviously some power would have to monitor this) a complete contradiction to the existential belief that you are accountable for your own actions . i mean 'buddhism' is considered a religion for a reason-its just a branch of hinduism. either the guy who made this video didn't realize the inherent paradox or he is not very clear what the buddhist philosophy is.


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