Tuesday 2 April 2019

Visit of Grade 11 Students to Visual Arts Exhibition - each student post short comment.

Each student will post a short comment here on any aspect of the exhibition.
Recommended 70-100 words per comment.

One approach might be to consider the similarities and differences between the Visual Arts and Literature as expressions of the imagination. However each student should express a personal response in your voice. What do you think? What did you learn today at the exhibition?

Below - Ms Anita and some of her students from a previous exhibition.



  1. When I saw each piece of art at the exhibition today, I felt like each piece of art was calling for a personal interpretation despite having a description given. However, in literature the text serves as an important tool in quashing many initial impressions about the book or play. According to me, this increased ambiguity in art lies in the greater freedom the artist has as compared to a novelist to use colours and pictures. These leave the viewer more open about multiple interpretations rather than text which holds the power of directing or focusing ones initial impression. Hence I believe visual art captures are perspective as it is rather than novels with text which streamline or filter our knowledge.
    A piece known as CRA-YOLO at the exhibition proves my point mentioned above. The piece has a girl’s face which is covered by a mask or an external hand which has the colours of the LGBTQ community. My impression was that this painting would be used to depict a homophobic society however upon reading the artist’s description I was made to understand that it was portrait of a girl suffering from cancer with the colours representing hope in the otherwise black painting.

  2. “The Nut” by Sanjana Jeswani was a brilliant piece of artwork that reminded me of what is important.Her series of an acrylic painting featuring a squirrel holding onto a nut made her idea made out of actual bolt nuts. The idea behind this pun in her work was to show industrialisation and how nature is slowly being replaced by machinery. I was very impressed with the amount of detail in her work as every fur stroke was done precisely and meticulously. The bolt nuts were placed in different heights and sizes to show lights and shadows making the work more detailed. The mix- medium of the artwork opens the interpretation to this work as the ‘nut’ can be interpreted as the maniac who is instigating the deforestation and also being the nut itself. The prominence of grey colour symbolises the present of machinery and the man-made world and highlights the absence of nature and greenery.
    The fascinating metaphor of the bolt nuts is replacing the natural organic food of the squirrel thus forcing it to adapt or go endangered. On speaking with the artist, Sanjana i understood that this was an inspiration from the Pondicherry nut factory she visited, it made me realise how the same event can affect us all differently and change our perspective of the world.
    -mehek sanghvi

  3. According to me, literature in itself is a fine art. Carefully chosen words paint visuals upon a page for the theatre of the mind. This inspires other, more visually oriented artists to create tangible objects based off these mental images. Not only can this create a more fully realised piece of art but it also allows these artists to produce content based off their own interpretations. This creative wealth of material has continued to inspire many artists who now have modern technology to help bring these pages to life. During the art exhibition today, "The Hidden Touch" immediately caught my attention. This alluring art sculpture depicts how child molestation gradually depletes a child's individuality and their identity. It can be understood that the the white paint used symbolises the innocence and purity of a child. Furthermore, I noticed that the face does not have all 5 senses included apart from touch. This representation of only one sense, touch ,depicts the perspective of an adult towards a child. Individual adults tend to think that a child won't understand their actions however in reality these actions are often understood in the subconscious mind of young children. The "alley" (marbles) symbolise the games played by children in their childhood and signifies the "mind control" games adults play with such innocent children. Social issues like child molestation should be recognised and prevented by promoting healthy parenting through education and stronger community support.
    - Aarzoo


  4. After visiting the exhibition and seeing the stunning artworks, made me realise that visual arts and English literature were tremendously alike. They are different interpretations of the same work and hence some might be fascinated by a piece of art and some not as much and this is what makes Art and Literature so unique and common to one another. My favourite two art works were, one by Shriya- she placed many door frames in a line and it said in bold-"walk through to fit in". This impacted my perception of the world and made me question my own identity. Although this was a fairly simple presentation, it really made me realise how blinded we are by a world full of luxury and comfort that we are losing our identities just to "fit in". I waw awestruck by Sanjana's Disney piece of work as it took me down memory lane back to my innocent childhood. A time when I was not trapped in a world full of stress and abundant work. Seeing her painting woke up the little child in me that still craves for fairytales to be true and live in a perfect world. The art exhibition was phenomenal, the dedication and endless hours of work put in was evidently seen

  5. Literature can inevitably help to inspire other forms of artistic expression, including visual arts. Disdainful, guilt, agony, power or tragedy are all various emotions which literature can express along with setting the stage for amazingly powerful and compelling representation in other forms. The art exhibition was distinctively remarkable. Even though our school puts up multiple exhibitions every year, each one is relatively fresh and attains an integral novelty factor which undoubtedly excites me. There were miscellaneous types of art that made use of not only a variety of different styles and techniques but each art piece had its own aura and beauty which represented the artists underlying message beautifully. The artwork that managed to grab my attention with alacrity and ease was a small collection of 3 small frameworks, inculcating 3 famous singers. The separate portraits of sam smith and XXX were made with perfection, however, under each frame was a stand with broken alcohol bottles, drugs and a gun made out of clay. This portrays a rather evident message that represents the youth of our generation. Therefore the subliminal message of the artist can be derived from their purpose of creating the artwork which according to me was to spread awareness about throngs of problems troubled youths face across the world.

  6. Literature can inevitably help to inspire other forms of artistic expression, including visual arts. Disdainful, guilt, agony, power or tragedy are all various emotions which literature can express along with setting the stage for amazingly powerful and compelling representation in other forms. The art exhibition was distinctively remarkable. Even though our school puts up multiple exhibitions every year, each one is relatively fresh and attains an integral novelty factor which undoubtedly excites me. There were miscellaneous types of art that made use of not only a variety of different styles and techniques but each art piece had its own aura and beauty which represented the artists underlying message beautifully. The artwork that managed to grab my attention with alacrity and ease was a small collection of 3 small frameworks, inculcating 3 famous singers. The separate portraits of sam smith and XXX were made with perfection, however, under each frame was a stand with broken alcohol bottles, drugs and a gun made out of clay. This portrays a rather evident message that represents the youth of our generation. Therefore the subliminal message of the artist can be derived from their purpose of creating the artwork which according to me was to spread awareness about throngs of problems troubled youths face across the world.
    -Diyaa Udani


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