Friday 5 October 2018

Bill Kynes -What is postmodernism?


  1. the video explains to me that postmodernism is nothing but a philosophy. Bill Kynes concisely defines the term. He is successfully able to explain the key points to me which enable my mind to grasp the ulterior meaning of the word. Postmodernism says that everything is subjective. Even the way we interpret an absolute truth may vary. Postmodernism wants us to be skeptical about the "truth" of the world.


  2. This video helped me understand postmodernism by Bill Kynes simple definition and relatable concepts which made it easier for me to grasp the idea of postmodernism being mainly about being critical and reasoning through different influence such as philosophical factors and cultural events.

  3. Samira Bulchandani11 October 2018 at 08:38

    Bill Kynes effectively clarifies the concept of postmodernism by comparing it to modernism. Modernism can be seen as optimistic in terms of human potential, and presents a certainty about objective knowledge. However, postmodernism can be seen as pessimistic; it is more cynical towards human experience and knowledge. Shaped by different cultures, postmodernism offers a multiplicity of perspectives, and therefore, there is no unified perspective on truth. In literature, a postmodern reading would entail the readers' perception being more significant than the author's purpose. Similarly, postmodernism in reality leaves us to create our own meaning, reality and purpose for life; there is no meta narrative that explains all that exists.

  4. Bill Kynes aptly states that postmodernism came about as a reaction against modernism. Modernism had an optimistic outlook towards life, and a certainty about objectivity in knowledge. People used to observe reality from a neutral position, almost like a “god’s eye view of reality.” There was a unity of knowledge, faith and the power of reason when establishing a truth, taking into consideration external philosophical factors. However, we seem to have lost faith in modernism, and have acquired a postmodernism perspective, which is inclined towards pessimism. This philosophy has lost confidence in the inevitability of progress and its sense of certainty regarding human knowledge. Most importantly, there is an abandonment of neutrality and there is a multiplicity of perspectives making claims about truth more powerful than the truth itself. The postmodernism perspective, some argue, is taking modernism to its logical conclusion, though at the cost of making God as an entity, no longer significant. Importance is being given to an individual’s perception about what is written, rather than about who has written it. This gives individuals the power to manipulate the truth, as long as others believe it, aiding them to create their own truth and their own interpretation of it. It is the belief that no meta narrative that holds the entire truth about existence exists, and that we must create our own purpose in life.

  5. In his video, Bill Kynes establishes the contrast between the literary concepts of modernism and postmodernism on the basis of; objectivity and subjectivity, as well as optimism and pessimism. He states that, the concept of modernism revolves around the beliefs that; reality can be observed from a neutral position, and that human philosophy and culture can be used to explain the "truth" about life. Simultaneously, he claims that postmodernism, is a "logical conclusion" of modernism wherein, "the author of reality; God" becomes insignificant as readers use their literary perceptions to create their own truths that society should be made to believe in. In doing so, we have neglected the value of modernism and have disregarded its "God's eye view of reality" as we engulf ourselves into what we as individuals believe are explanations that will work for us. In many ways, Bill Kynes explanation of postmodernism also implies that, the human tendency of following our own perception of a text rather than the author's perception of the text, we have harnessed the ability to manipulate the "truth" about life. As an effect this makes the truth seem ambiguous and incomplete.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Billy Kynes establishes the fact that postmodernism is a retort against modernism. In this video, he describes modernism as an optimistic approach in regards to human potential. Conversely, he describes postmodernism as a pessimistic approach because it is more cynical towards human experiences. It is described as the result of the relinquishment of the neutrality shown by individuals. Bill Kynes says in the video, “there is no unified perspective on truth”. The meaning behind this quote is, everyone has different perspectives and the concept or idea I may think to be true could mean the opposite to others. There is no unified truth, postmodernism challenges the canons of scientific rationality. He concludes by saying that with postmodern thought we must create our own meaning, our own reality and our own purpose for life since there is no meta narrative that illuminates all that exists.

  8. In his video, Bill Kynes elucidates postmodernism as a reaction or a departure from modernism. He portrays modernism as optimistic in terms of human potential and the certainty of objective knowledge. It has a consciousness of unity of all knowledge. This modern mind-set of being able to stand in a neutral position and observing reality is what he appreciates in modernism and finds a lack of in postmodernism. Unlike the confidence that was demonstrated in modernism, it has faded in postmodernism. He explains how it has lost much of its confidence in its inevitability of progress, as well as its sense of certainty about human knowledge. Human experience of the world becomes more cynical. Therefore, Kynes criticises postmodern thinking and describes it as a pessimistic and distrustful manner of thinking. He further suggests that we often believe our own insight of a narrative instead of the author’s showing how we have deployed the ‘truth’ of life thus showing how there is no meta narrative that makes truth whole and comprehensive and we must create our own tenacity, purpose and veracity in our lives.

  9. Thank you to all students who posted here.
    I would like to show these comments to our class. Well done.
    Mr C

  10. The term ‘Post modernism’ may give the impression that it is an extension of the modernist approach or a conclusion to the modernist approach to reality. However, Bill Kynes reveals that post-modernism is much more than simply an extension of modernism; it is, in fact, a reaction to the modernist approach that believes in objective truths. In contrast to the modernist approach, post modernism believes that there can be no single objective truth but multiple subjective truths born out of multiple subjective positions and perspectives. Therefore, what we take as absolute truth is merely a justified view of reality and can be critically examined for what it stands for and how it has emerged.

    While modernism placed complete faith in scientific methods and methodology and assumes that reason is the most reliable way of knowing, post-modernism serves to question well-established claims and look at alternate perspectives. Post-modernism believes that every claim can be deconstructed to unravel alternate truths, so the concept of certainty is merely a myth. Post-modernism thrives on uncertainties and accepts uncertainty as a crucial element of gaining, producing and constructing knowledge.
    - Diyaa Udani

  11. The term ‘Post modernism’ may give the impression that it is an extension of the modernist approach or a conclusion to the modernist approach to reality. However, Bill Kynes reveals that post-modernism is much more than simply an extension of modernism; it is, in fact, a reaction to the modernist approach that believes in objective truths. In contrast to the modernist approach, post modernism believes that there can be no single objective truth but multiple subjective truths born out of multiple subjective positions and perspectives. Therefore, what we take as absolute truth is merely a justified view of reality and can be critically examined for what it stands for and how it has emerged.

    While modernism placed complete faith in scientific methods and methodology and assumes that reason is the most reliable way of knowing, post-modernism serves to question well-established claims and look at alternate perspectives. Post-modernism believes that every claim can be deconstructed to unravel alternate truths, so the concept of certainty is merely a myth. Post-modernism thrives on uncertainties and accepts uncertainty as a crucial element of gaining, producing and constructing knowledge.
    - Diyaa udani


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