Tuesday 7 August 2018

GRADE 11 STUDENTS OF MR C AUGUST 2018- MAY 2020 - First Quarter Topics and Assessment.

 (3 IOP TEXTS)  
Note this blog will work in conjunction with Google Classroom and turnitin.com to provide extended independent learning and feedback beyond the classroom.
Students must read the first two texts at home in August.
"Ulysses" will be read in class in the first quarter and at home in the second quarter.

August 8-31st  TEXT 1
978-0-143-02857-4 The God of Small Things Roy Penguin India
ISBN-10: 0141182806   ISBN-13: 978-0141182803
Do not expect us to read entire books in class. This is not possible in IB Literature HL which is really a pre-university programme with the complexity of first year college literature programmes.

September 3-29th TEXT 2


Ongoing August - December 

Ulysses  JAMES JOYCE  Penguin UK (28 March 2000)
ISBN-10: 0141030933
ISBN-13: 978-0141030937

ASSESSMENT  - Formative Assessment in class through discussion and short assignments. Summative assessment through written work during the first quarter on texts 1 and 2. 

Other Topics:    Introduction to Literary Theory and application of those skills through practice and assessment.
Paper 1 Unseen Text Literary Essay Practice.
Resources - Prof Culler's book on Literary Threory

Mr Hoye's website and click on CRITICAL THEORY in the margin. Click on this link 

First homework - Read the different versions of LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD on Mr Hoye's website. Be prepared to come to class and explain what you learned to the class.

Second Homework -  Write a short report of 200 words on the ideas of Derrida regarding Deconstruction.

September - Third Homework - Essay on "The God of Small Things"

September - Fourth Homework - Essay on "Regeneration" by Pat Barker - World War 1 Poetry.

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