Friday 13 January 2017

Thesis Statements: Four Steps to a Great Essay | 60second Recap®


  1. This video helped better understand one of the most simple but vital part of an essay. The step by step methods used to create an effective and profound thesis is helpful. It covers the main essence of the essay with the correct amount of insight which helps make an interesting essay introduction.

  2. This video helped me understand that every essay I shall write should have a main point, a main idea, or a central message ( THESIS STATEMENT). This statement should be backed by evidence/examples to strengthen your argument. The thesis statement should be a guide to the reader as to what I will be writing and how, to keep the argument focused. Step 3 - Focus with examples, mentioned in the video, helped me form my topic sentence for the Death and the Maiden essay and is something I shall always bear in mind. Thank you for sharing these tips with us!


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