Sunday 14 April 2013

SAMPLE Exam Questions for PAPER 2 Drama Section

Answer one essay question only. You must base your answer on at least two of the Part 3 works you have studied and compare and contrast these works in response to the question. Answers which are not based on a discussion of at least two Part 3 works will not score high marks.
(Any two of these 4 texts: Amadeus, The Crucible, Master Harold, Romeo and Juliet.)

Time SL 90 minutes and HL 2 hours.
Note you are advised to spend 20 minutes making a bullet point plan for your essay.
Essays should have a clear logical structure with an introduction/development/conclusion.
SL papers will average about 4 sides to 6 sides of handwritten work.
HL papers will average about 6 to 8 sides of handwritten work.
(This will depend on the size of your handwriting.)
Skip a line between paragraphs and write neatly and legibly.
Explore the ways in which dramatists have made use of monologues and/or soliloquies in at least two plays you have studied.
Plays employ various kinds of structural divisions such as prologues and epilogues, act and scene
divisions, even carefully placed intermissions. Discuss the dramatic uses made of these divisions in
at least two plays you have studied.
“A play should make you laugh or should make you cry.”
With reference to at least two plays you have studied, discuss the methods playwrights use to generate emotional response in their audiences.
Compare and contrast the ways in which dramatists have made use of stage directions to increase the dramatic impact of the play on the audience. Discuss at least two plays you have studied.

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