Thursday 13 September 2012

Wilfred Owen's Poetry

"These introductions to Wilfred Owen's poems are, in the words of the author Ken Simcox, "not intended to be scholarly essays".  They were written over ten years ago, when the Wilfred Owen Association's website was first launched by former Treasurer Philip Guest, because Philip felt that such introductions might succeed in promoting interest in Owen and his work.  The number of hits year after year has proved the case.

Sadly Ken Simcox passed away in July 2010.  He was Secretary of the Wilfred Owen Association for six years, and these commentaries spring from his lifelong liking for poetry.  He is the author of Wilfred Owen: Anthem for a Doomed Youth.  The Association is extremely grateful to Ken for his contribution to this website."

I encourage students and teachers to click on the link above. I am very grateful to the authors of the website for making these resources available.     Wilfred Owen the Poet
Here is a link to another website with an excellent overview of his short life and work.

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