Sunday 1 April 2012

25% of total marks - PART 1 WORKS IN TRANSLATION - Authors, IBSEN, BECKETT and Camus (HL)

Readers of this blog will be aware that the greatest innovation in the new IB English Literature Course is the radical approach to Part 1, Works in Translation, formerly known as World Literature.

There is now only one essay on one text on a topic chosen by the student for both HL and SL, formerly there were two essays for the HL students. The new process seeks to support and empower students as they engage with the texts and leads to a formal essay, completed at home.

Written assignment Weighting 25%

The written assignment is based on a work in translation studied in part 1 of the course. Students produce an analytical essay with reflective statement, undertaken during the course and externally assessed. The goal of the process detailed below is to assist students in producing individual, well-informed essays.
Work submitted Literary essay 1,200–1,500 words (assessed)
Relevant reflective statement 300–400 words (assessed)
Goal To produce an analytical, literary essay on a topic generated by the student and
developed from one of the pieces of supervised writing
Assessment A combined mark out of 25 to be awarded for the reflective statement and the
literary essay, based on five assessment criteria (A–E)
Process Four-stage process consisting of both oral and written tasks—see below for more
details on each stage
During April, my students and I will be working on  "A Doll's House" (HL and SL) and after Spring Break HL students will be working on "The Outsider" by Camus. The final essay will be completed over the vacation and will be sent to the IB for external assessment during Grade 12.

STEP 1.Close reading of the texts, class discussions, focus on cultural and social contexts and constructs. Themes gender and power, the individual and society and the theme of alienation. Students develop an awareness of historical context, are aware of the special qualities of texts in translation and work towards engaging with texts across time and cultural differences.The final outcome should be a strong personal response to the text, resulting in a strongly personal essay.
STEP 2 Special Lessons - Interactive Oral Discussions followed by students writing a reflective statement of 300-400 words in class.
STEP 3 Teacher provides 4 prompts to focus students for a supervised writing task.
STEP 4. Students then develop their essay concept from all of the above steps on one text of their choice.
STEP 5. The essay will be drafted, feedback provided and then the essay completed during the summer vacation.
After receiving feedback on the first draft, the student must complete the written assignment without
further assistance. Feedback on the first draft will be provided by email during the vacation.
The essay must be 1,200–1,500 words in length.
Note: The assignment must be the independent work of the student. Statements on the coversheet
declaring that the assignment is the independent work of the student must be signed by the student
and by the supervising teacher.
Criterion A Fulfilling the requirements of the reflective statement 3 marks
Criterion B Knowledge and understanding 6 marks
Criterion C Appreciation of the writer’s choices 6 marks
Criterion D Organization and development 5 marks
Criterion E Language 5 marks
Total 25 marks

Students will receive a handout in class to explain the criteria in detail.

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